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Repair & Services 


From simple repairs and maintenance to your ever important suspension and drivetrain or installing full blown lift and lowering systems we are your one stop shop to get you where you need to be. 


From time to time, these electrical grimlins seem to arise at the most unfortunate times, but rest assured, we have countless hours and experience to get every vehicle running in tip top shape. We do full wiring repairs and installs along with custom harness builds for flat beds, gooseneck hook ups, service bodies, and all equipment and pleasure trailors. 


These are one of the most fearful reapirs that seem to arise, and can be the most costly at times. If proper repair and maintenance is performed at scheduled factory required intervals, these problems can be avoided. We offer many different service options for manual and automatic transmission to prevent future issues.  



There is a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to clutch and torque converter replacement. Here at DSDP we only use top of the line products for extreme realiability and performance, such as, Suncoast, Valair, South Bend, ATS...etc. 

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